- 2019-nCoV) RT-QPCR Detection Kit
1. Internal control: Human β-Globin gene as the internal control is included into the reagent to verify the validity of the experiment.
2. High sensitivity: The lowest detection limit is 500 copies/ml.
3. High specificity: Primers and probes are designed for specific fragments of two gene regions, which confirm each other to make the results more accurate. No cross-reactivity with other pathogens with the same site of infection or similar infection characteristics.
4. Strong stability: CV of each channel is all <3%.
5. Multiple Real-time RT-PCR detection: Each channel does not interfere with each other, and the amplification curve is S-shaped.
6. Simple operation: One-step method to complete RT-PCR, The whole procedure can be detected within 80min.
7.Fast speed: The PCR amplification time is less than 80 minutes.

Technical Parameters:
*Not Available in the U.S.